When having to work with lots of PDF documents at once it is possible to misplace the password for at least one. And if its contents are very important and you need to access and work with it right away you'll definitely need a PDF remover to remove PDF password from the file and access it again.
PDF password remover by Eltima Software is a special program aimed to remove PDF security from your files. PDF security remover is easy to deal with and has a friendly interface. It offers the following PDF password remove methods:
Removal by password length. This method is useful when the approximate quantity of symbols in password is known.
Removal by template. Is recommended when some of the symbols in password are known.
Removal by dictionary. Is recommended when the password is a word or a combination of words.
Exhaustive search. Is good when you can remember nothing about the sought password. PDF protection remover will work through all possible combinations in order to find the right one.
PDF remover for Windows has network distributed search option, which allows much faster password search. With this option it is possible to involve many computers on the network in password search and choose the level of usage of the computers’ power.
There are versions of PDF password remover for Mac and for Windows (network distributed search for Mac OS will be available soon). Single license costs $39.95.How to remove PDF password from your files